In response to the global health emergency caused by the COVID-19 and the urgent need for specialized medical equipment at the local level, Grupo CUMA, the largest hotel group in Querétaro, together with United Barcode Systems, a product labeling and coding company for the food and pharmaceutical sector, and the Fundación Corazones Mágicos joined efforts so that “Fuerza Maker Querétaro” continues with the production of masks for sanitary protection and deliver them to the medical personnel of the General Hospital of Querétaro.
According to Yudith Laura Gómez, social service doctor: “This donation is a great motivation for us, the medical staff, to continue forward for our families, for our communities and for our city. It really allows us to feel that Querétaro supports us. ”
Fuerza Maker Querétaro and Grupo CUMA will continue joining efforts to produce even more masks of sanitary protection for the medical personnel of the state of Querétaro.
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